Igrev started with professional web site production, and based on technical know-how based on many years of experience, online/mobile web site construction We are proud to be the best partner in Korea that can provide customers with excellent value in the field of providing shopping mall solutions - system construction - system operation.
From IT consulting to FullStack development (Web, Application, Back Office), planning (project management, branding, E-commerce), new technology We are expanding our position in various fields such as R&D development (big data, artificial intelligence, block chain), cross-platform application development, technology consulting, UX & UI design, and SEO.
With the beginning of the 4th industry, programming is fundamental and is used in so many places that there is no missing place. We are creating a better world to live in by solving our industrial and social problems using technology, and a human-centered We dream of a knowledge innovation future. We will always listen to the voice of our customers and fulfill our role as a company that will lead society through the development of new technologies that will take responsibility for the future.
Core developers and designers start from the scratch.
Planing and Calculating input/output.
Artificial Intelligence, BlockChains.
코어 개발자와 디자이너가 시작 부터 함께 합니다.
필요한 자원과 완성도를 기획 및 예측 합니다.
R&D개발(인공지능, 블록체인)